Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Okay, Okay...

I keep saying I will get to my blog and I never do. So today I am going to take two minutes and tell you how busy I have been. Of course, if I wasn't busy...I would have had time to update my blog!!!!

Put a roof on my house and garage the last weekend in September. All of you who know me well know that I am afraid of heights so this was a HUGE accomplishment for me!! I worked on the house from 9:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night. When I couldn't tell where the house ended and the dark was time to get off!! We finished the house about 15 minutes before that rain started. And it rained for 3 weeks...almost constant.

Let's see...we have a new addition to the family. I finally got my bird!! I had birds when I was younger and love them. I wanted one when I was married but couldn't have one! Guess what...I have one now!! He is beautiful! (We are guessing on the sex.) His name is Keeter and he is the most loving Green Cheeked Conure. He may talk...he may not...don't care on way or the other. He is so much fun. As a family we have spent more time sitting in the living room talking and playing with the bird than we have ever done in the past.

School...Tyler had his parent/teacher conference this week. My ex actually showed up to this one. Surprise, surprise...(shouldn't say that but's my blog!!) Tyler is doing great! He has high scores on everything (90's and higher) except nouns, proper nouns and pronouns. However, he says that everyone was having problems. We will work on it. He has gotten 100% on his spelling words. I went back and over the past 3 years, he has only gotten a total of 3 wrong!! Now his mouthy attitude has a lot to be desired!! He definitely has his father's temper!! Even at the conference the teacher noticed that my ex was a very angry person! Too funny! Any ideas on how to help an 8 year old learn how to control his temper??? I am open for suggestions!

I have been helping with Cub Scouts quite a bit and doing school PTO fund raisers. I have also been doing a little bit of scrapbooking. I have even tried a digital page. I used one of Mad Scrapper Designs (Robin B). You can find her wonderful designs at

I also completed a layout that I have been dreaming about for over a year. I loved these photos of Tyler when he was younger. I just couldn't find the right papers. As soon as I saw these papers, I knew they were for this layout.

Other than that...I have started my Christmas shopping and am very excited about Christmas this year. I seem to be more at peace with myself and who I am than I have been in years. I miss my sister but know that she is happy were she is. Again, she is with the Lord! What a wonderful place for her to celebrate Christmas...can you even imagine what kind of a birthday party they have in heaven...have you ever even thought about it...well, as you think about it, you will find that peace I am talking about...the true meaning of Christmas!
