Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I made a promise...

As most of you know, my sister passed away from Breast Cancer this past August. A battle she fought to the very end. A few days ago a friend of mine was diagnosed with a very rare form of Breast Cancer call IBC (Inflammitory Breast Cancer). It is not a lump! It does not look or react like normal Breast Cancer as we think of it. It is very hard to diagnose and most of the time by the time it is diagnosed, it is so far advanced that it is NOT treatable! My promise to her, to my sister's memory and to all who have gone before them is this...Inform!!

Please, listen to this pod cast: http://www.mayoclinic.org/rss/cancer-podcast.xml
You will need to download it to your computer and then listen to it.
Again,inflammatory breast cancer is rare - representing just 1-5% of all breast cancers diagnosed. Unlike other breast cancers that present as a lump, inflammatory breast cancer is a more diffuse disease that spreads throughout the breast tissue. Because the symptoms are ambiguous, women with IBC are more likely than other women with breast cancer to be misdiagnosed, and ultimately diagnosed after the disease has metastasized.

Please log on for specific symptoms of IBC to http://www.mdanderson.org/diseases/breastcancer/display.cfm?id=39c2c5ae-a411-49e9-875855cb37b6c999&method=displayfull

Please feel free to copy, paste and redistribute any or all of this to friends and family. It is so important that woman become informed of this type of breast cancer!!
