Monday, January 21, 2008

Creative Team

I am a little behind the times on my blog. Things here have been...beyond busy to say the least. Christmas was wonderful! As close to perfect as you can get. It was low rushing, no hustle and bustle. It truly way a wonderful holiday. The only down side was Dan had to work because of the snow. But look at the bright side...the overtime paid for Christmas and he was still here on Christmas eve and Christmas day! He even made it home for dinner on Christmas eve eve.

Then of course there was New Years! We celebrated at home with two other couples. We played Tyler's Wii and had a wonderful time. A few too many jello shots (if that's possible) but it was great. The only down side was that my friend Michele confirmed that she and her family where relocating to Nebraska. I will miss her very much.

New Years day we went to CrossLake and visited Caryn and her family and of course my wonderful Nephew Matthew. We had a great much so that we decided to go back on Saturday and spend the day and night and Sunday. We had so much fun. We went bowling with the kids and then had pizzas. Then the adults played a few games and the kids watched movies. It was hard to leave on Sunday.

The 8th of January brought us the cub scout Pinewood Derby! We didn't even start the darn car until Thursday the 3rd! Yikes! But all was good. Tyler took four 1st places and was awarded the first place trophy in his division! I think next year we will wait until the last minute again. Seemed to work pretty good.

Back on January 2, my favorite site sent out a call for a Creative Team. All they asked for was a link to my gallery, my name and little things like that. I thought...I can do this. It will get me scrapping again on more of a schedule and it's something I love to do and I LOVE the site. So I sent in my applications. On January 7 they sent the zinger...we had to do a layout about ourselves. You all know me...I do not scrap myself. I just can't! I was very upset about this and told Dan I was going to withdraw my application. He was very quiet for a long time. I finally asked him what was wrong and he told me he was disappointed in me. I was giving up before I even tried! I told him I would sleep on it. The next morning I had an idea...I did the layout...I wasn't happy with it but it was done. At this point even if I didn't get a position of the Creative Team, I was happy with myself...I had done something I didn't think I could do.

Well this morning they announced the new Creative Team...Guess what???? I MADE IT!!!! I am so happy! and overwhelmed and scared and...

You know me if there is something to worry about...I will do it. And if there is nothing to worry about...I will find something to worry about.

This is a new beginning for me. I have been on a Creative Team before but I knew the person who was the coordinator (again my wonderful friend Michele). This one I did all on my own!

Wish me luck and check back often...they are always having some sort of a contest and I would love to see my friends on the site!!



Michele Anderson said...

Congrats!!! You are a wonderful friend and deserve everything that comes your way. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you!! And yes, you ARE a wonderful friend...YOU GO GIRL!!

Angie said...


I've been posting about a new road I'm going down. . . and I think it will ring truly close to your heart.

I am in the process of having an "area" biopsied as the result of an abnormal mammogram.

Everyone is optimistic right now - even me, most days. Just thought you'd want to know.

Congrats again!!!

twinsand2boys said...

Congrats to you!