Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New, new, new

Whoa! Stop the world and let me off! I cannot believe how fast everything is happening. My dear friend Michele will be moving soon to Omaha!! :( My other friend Karen will be moving to Detroit Lakes!! :( They will be leaving within a few days of each other and I am very sad! I will miss you both very much!!

Tyler is just finishing up 3rd Grade!! Can you believe it? And the summer is already gone! My gosh I just cannot believe it. We have baseball, boy scout camp, bible camp, not to mention a vacation if we can fit one in?!

Last week Tyler got a reward from the Voyageur Area Council (Boy Scouts). He took 8th place in popcorn sale out of over 4,000 boys and in reality he was higher than that because my total was $300.00 higher than theirs. But it really didn't matter in the long run.

Some really good news about Trevor can be found over at TTS and Tracy's blog! He finally got his transplant and so far so good! We continue to pray for him and of course for the families of the donors. It always seems so terrible that someone must die in order for another to live. But I am so thankful that there are donors out there!!! If you are a donor, THANK YOU! If you aren't, WHY???

Next Wednesday will be my last day at the work for the surveying company. I have been offered a position with A. H. Zeppa Foundation and my first day will be June 5. (That is also Tyler's last day of school!!) It will be my first time in over 10 years working 8-5, M-F! Yikes! I am excited to start the job but also very nervous.

Let's see...what else is keeping us busy? We started the plans for the cabin and filled out the paper work for the variance. Once that is approved we will be lifting the cabin, pouring a floor, and adding on, both up and out!

Besides that...not much is going on! ROFL!! I have one week left of my Bible Study!! I should be done by now! Part of me doesn't want to do it because then it will be over and I have enjoyed every second of it; so, maybe that is why I am procrastinating! Beth...Angie...I promise I will get on it!!!



1 comment:

Angie said...

Girl, it sounds like you've got so much going on. . . .just finish it up, whenever you can.

I'm planning on going back through some of the Believing God readings and scripture studies this summer.