Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I know....I know....

Wow! All I can say is I am sorry! Time seems to have just been slipping away. Updating anything has been impossible. Well life is never boring around here. My health has been the issue this time! It all started a few months back with a urinary infection. I got some medicine to stop the burning (it turned my urine bright orange) and an anti-biotic (it turned my urine bright red) and believe it or not the colors did not mix they swirled. After that I got eczema on my hands. I had never had it before and it was very painful! They finally put me on a type of steroid that can only be used for 5 days or your skin will fall off! skin was already peeling like crazy and itching and...what the heck was causing all of this??

Pre-menopause!!!! Can you flipping believe it!! Seems that hormone changes can cause a lot of problems!! And do you think I was done yet? NOPE!! After all of this stuff is cleared up, I get my period (first time in 3 months) and I can honestly say that one...I didn't miss was so hard that I would stand up and have a mess running down my leg, even if I had just been in the bathroom 10 minutes earlier (sorry guys!) lasted for over 3 weeks.

I was light headed (more than normal), sick to my stomach, and I had pain in my abdomen so bad. Yes I finally went to the doctor. They put me on loratab and set up an appointment for an ultrasound. The loratab didn't even cut the pain. They changed it to a type of Morphine. Okay, this worked really well but I don't remember much and I'm not sure I functioned correctly. ROFL! They did both an external and internal ultrasound. Seems I have some cysts on my ovaries (this is what is causing the pain) Did you know that cysts are common with hormone changes! YEAH!! Another two maybe three years of this!! Okay, so that's not all. My endometrium lining is very abnormally shaped. I need to see a gynocologist and have a endometrial biopsy.

Okay for those of you who don't like details STOP reading here.

This biopsy was so painful!! First thing they did was a regular pap. (you know the drill. Yuck!) Then they take another lovely piece of equipment to fold back the outer edge of the cervix. The doctor says, "this will be a little will pinch." Yeah right. Have you ever been pinched by something that feels like needles?? Okay, so now they want to put this soft, straw-like device (pipelle) to suction a small sample of lining but they can't get it in because my cervix is to small...yeah! So, I am still laying there all hooked up and the doctor has to call a nurse in to go and get a dialator. Okay now I am really uncomfortable. He get the dialator in there (okay can we get anything else into this small area!!) and can't get me to dialate even with this device. Finally after about 1/2 hour the pipelle is suctioning a sample of the lining. (Again, I am told that I will feel a small pinching!) Okay, I am still feeling the needles from the cervical thing...and the dialator should have been used with either a general or regional anesthesia ( I was given nothing!) and now I am being told I will feel another small pinch!!! By this time the tears are rolling down my face. And the doctor says, "It really shouldn't be hurting that bad." UGH!!!

The pap and the biopsy came back fine. But I will continue to have these problems because...yep, hormone changes!! Pre-menopause!!

Anyways, I have been exhausted. I have taken a leave of absence from Treasures To Scrap (thanks for understanding T) and other than going to work, I really have not been doing much of anything (other than driving Tyler to deliver popcorn!)

Today is one of the first days in a long time that I feel like I am getting my life back. I finally slept without pain killers and woke up not feeling hung over. I am getting a little tired now but wanted to let everyone know what has been going on cuz I really haven't even responded to e-mails much.

Michele - I miss you and am sorry I didn't get to see you when you came back for the funeral (Heck! I didn't even get a card and that's not like me! Sorry is all I can say and ask for forgiveness!!)

I am on the mend and am excited that I will have two weeks off at Christmas. I will be off of work from the 19th of December to January 5th! I am not sure what I will do with all that mom says I should paint my bathroom so of course...I won't! ROFL!!

I am off to bed.

Thanks for all the prayers!



Michelle said...

I've missed your posts! I'm so sorry to read that you've been going through so many physical issues lately. Doesn't sound fun at all. I wish you the best, sending positive energy and prayers for good health your way!

Kristin K Stock said...

Oh my sweet friend!! I am so sorry!! I am glad to hear that maybe somethings are looking up for you. I miss you! I am going to keep saying lots of prayers for you. Love ya girl!! Kristin

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through such a rough time of'll be in my prayers that things get easier for you. Let's make a point to have lunch or dinner while we're both off of work! Email me!