Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Childhood Memories

I absolutely love the blog challenges at Treasures to Scrap! The most recent challenge is to not only blog about a favorite childhood memory but to do a layout to represent it. This is a very difficult project for me. Those of you who know me well, know that my childhood did not have a lot of happy memories. I can remember hot summer nights playing with kids from my old neighborhood but have only a slight recollection of it. I guess the most prominent memory for me is four days that I spent at the lake with my neighbors!! We sat around the campfire, we swam, we fished, and I had my very first ride on a four wheeler. We explored everything. To this day, I love to explore. I love to take the road not taken. And yes one of my favorite poems is Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken. I love taking the road less traveled and going places that I have never been. When we travel, I love to take the back roads even if it takes longer and there are stop signs.

Two weekends ago we, Tyler and I, went to Minneapolis. On our way back we took a back road and Tyler just freaked. He didn't understand why we would want to get off the freeway. He understood when we saw all the wildlife and when we stopped on the side of the road and let him play hide-n-seek in some farmer's corn field! He laughed and talked about it for days afterwards!

Exploring is definitely the best memory I have from childhood. It was such a wonderful was my get away from everything! To this day and hopefully always...I will explore, the woods, the roads, everything!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My courageous Sister

This is a long, long story that starts back in 1980, probably even farther back than then. My biological father was married and had one daughter before he married my Mom. I don't remember spending a lot of time with her when I was little but I guess I did. My sister's Mother moved across the country when I was about 5. 11 years later, my sister got a hold of me and we spent time together off and on for about 3 years. Then in 1980, she disappeared. I was young and hurt and didn't really want anyone to know how much I cared, so I just pushed her out of my mind. Over the years, and a lot of growing up, I started to search for her on and off. Nothing really serious because I didn't really know how to go about looking for her. Last June, I had a horrible dream and woke up knowing that I HAD to find her. I knew her Mom's first name but not her last. I talked to my Mom and she remembered the last place that they had lived. I searched data bases and newspaper archives and a week later I had a phone number, or so I thought. I called and left a message on Friday afternoon. I finally got a call back on Sunday night. I had the right number. It was my sister's Mom!

We had a nice chat! My sister was now in Texas!! I had found her!! And, I am an Aunt!!! Her son is just a few months younger than mine. However, it was bitter sweet. Five years before, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a double mastectomy, the whole caboodle. Was very, very sick. But is a survivor! She celebrated her 5 year cancer free anniversary with her husband on an Alaskan cruise. During their cruise, she got severe headaches and was very dizzy. Thinking she had some sort of flu along with motion sickness, she thought nothing of it. When she got home to Texas, she still didn't feel well. She went to the doctor. They found a large tumor at the base of her brain. She had brain cancer! They went to do the surgery on this tumor and before surgery they do another scan just to make sure they know exactly where the tumor is and how big it is. Well, they found 5 more tumors. They also determined that she had bone cancer and liver cancer.

I asked her Mom to have my sister call me. A few hours later, a very weak, tired voice was on the other end of my telephone. We talked for a very short time, but she promised to call me the following week when she was feeling stronger.

True to her word, she called me as I was leaving work the following Wednesday. We talked for hours. Her faith that God would heal her was soooo strong that anyone would have to just fall in line and believe! We e-mailed and talked throughout the winter and spring. Every time she visited the doctor, I would receive an encouraging e-mail. In June, I received an e-mail telling me something I already knew. Our GOD is and AWESOME GOD!!! Her brain cancer was almost non existent, her liver count was way up (this is a good thing), and her blood was reproducing which means that the good blood cells are pushing out her cancer cells!!! She planned a trip to see her Mom here in Minnesota. We met at a hotel and had a wonderful, yet way too short, visit. We talked for hours. Our boys (Tyler's only cousin) played together. We talked of getting together in Texas this fall/winter. After all of these years, I had my oldest sister back in my life. From here my sister was leaving for Tennessee for a 3 month vacation with her son and her husband. While she was in Tennessee, she started having problems with her vision. She went to a specialist there and was diagnosed with cancer in her eyes. They cut their vacation short and went home to Texas. She then had her own doctor confirm that yes she had cancer in her eyes. The cancer was also back in her liver and her brain and is now in her lungs. She has had 4 radiation treatments in each eye and will need 15 in each eye. Then she will start Chemo.

I feel so utterly helpless. All I can do from this far away is pray and ask everyone I know to pray too! So as I type this I cry. For a sister I lost, for a sister I found, for the pain that she is going through, for the pain her family is in, for my selfishness of not trying to find her sooner, for the years we lost.

I pray...

Father who art in heaven, please give my sister the strength that she needs to endure what needs to be done. Please guide the doctors to find the best solution for her. Please give her husband and son the strength to support her in every way possible. Please, Lord, these things I pray in your Son's name. Amen

Friday, July 20, 2007

Favorite Quotes

Treasures to Scrap (, on of my favorite places to visit online, posts challenges occasionally. One of my favorite challenges they have is posting to your blog. I love to read about and get to know other people who are on the site. This is my ramblings on the most recent challenge of what my favorite quote is:

Through my life I have had a lot of favorite quotes. But the one that has ALWAYS stayed with me through everything is ...

Even if you cannot change the world, you can change your attitude!

When I am blue, I remember this and force myself to smile. When I am hurt, I remember this and try to turn the hurt into something positive. When I am angry, I remember this and realize that life is way too short to be angry.

I cannot change other people! But I can change myself and how I react.

My other favorite is of course biblical...

17 For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever!
18 So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.

No matter what I endure in this life, I KNOW that I have a better place waiting for me. I am only here for a very short time. I will KNOW a joy that will last forever.

Whatever problems I have, whatever pain I endure, whatever will only last a short time, even if it is for the rest of my life here on earth.

Live life for today...tomorrow may never come!