Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Childhood Memories

I absolutely love the blog challenges at Treasures to Scrap! The most recent challenge is to not only blog about a favorite childhood memory but to do a layout to represent it. This is a very difficult project for me. Those of you who know me well, know that my childhood did not have a lot of happy memories. I can remember hot summer nights playing with kids from my old neighborhood but have only a slight recollection of it. I guess the most prominent memory for me is four days that I spent at the lake with my neighbors!! We sat around the campfire, we swam, we fished, and I had my very first ride on a four wheeler. We explored everything. To this day, I love to explore. I love to take the road not taken. And yes one of my favorite poems is Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken. I love taking the road less traveled and going places that I have never been. When we travel, I love to take the back roads even if it takes longer and there are stop signs.

Two weekends ago we, Tyler and I, went to Minneapolis. On our way back we took a back road and Tyler just freaked. He didn't understand why we would want to get off the freeway. He understood when we saw all the wildlife and when we stopped on the side of the road and let him play hide-n-seek in some farmer's corn field! He laughed and talked about it for days afterwards!

Exploring is definitely the best memory I have from childhood. It was such a wonderful was my get away from everything! To this day and hopefully always...I will explore, the woods, the roads, everything!!

1 comment:

Dawnree said...

what a wonderful memory to hold on to! so glad you shared it with us