Monday, August 6, 2007

Rollercoaster Ride!

Wow! What a ride the last 4 days have been. I am not even sure where to start. I will go back to Thursday...

Thursday 4:00 - I have a headache like no other. If I don't find someplace dark soon, I know it will turn into a Migraine. I still need to make it to the end of the day, make a Mary Kay delivery, and cook dinner. Other than that, there is nothing that can't wait. I decided to duck out of work 1/2 an hour early. Dropped of my Mary Kay order on my way home; had a great talk with my client. I might have just needed fresh air because as I am talking with her, my headache is disappearing. As I am leaving her house, my phone rings and it's a number I have never seen before. It is my sister's half sister. She has just gotten off the phone with Laurette. The doctors are taking her off of radiation, off of chemo and putting her in hospice. My heart sinks. I am told that my sister is too tired to make or receive phone calls right now and could I please help by calling my sister, my Mom and our mutual father, who no one has spoken to in years! Sheesh!!! I am trying to drive, trying not to cry, can feel the migraine coming on full force and am thinking how unfair it is to find my sister only to lose her way to quickly!! By the time I drive the 10 minutes home, I am crying so hard I can't see to get out of the car. I am so angry at my biological father for the role he played in separating us! My head is pounding and here comes my 8 year old son! "Mom. Mommy." Wrapping his arms around me. "What's wrong?" Hugging me tighter! I told him about his aunt and he asked if she was going to die. All I could think of was we all are going to die. Some of us are just going to do it sooner than others and we have to make the most of every moment we have together!

To compound matters, we are supposed to be closing on a cabin at 2:00 on Friday. Dan has been running all over town getting all of insurance information, appraisals, water tests, septic permits and rearranging his work schedule so he can be off Friday afternoon.

As my 'boys' are calming me down and we are sitting in the back yard in the shade relaxing, Dan tells me that we will not be closing on Friday because the selling realtor 'forgot' to get a signature from one of the owners and he is in Afghanistan. They can e-mail the papers over to him but he had to mail them back. They MUST have an ink signature! They have known for two weeks that they needed this signature. If we had not had out 'ducks in a row', we would have lost our earnest money. Now we find out that not only do we have to wait but they want more money for the items they are leaving in the cabin. Yikes!!!

I still needed to call my sister and my Mom and, heaven forbid, my father! I called my Mom, she called my father!!!! And I talked to my sister. We talked about going to Texas the following week but I still need to talk to Laurette to make sure she wanted visitors. I had already told Laurette that I would be calling on Friday, so we thought it would be best to wait.

My wonderful 'boys' decided that I shouldn't have to cook, so they took me out for dinner. By the time I got back home my head was pounding and my vision was going! Full blown migraine. Dan had to run and help a friend out so my wonderful son put me to bed and put himself to bed. My phone woke me at about 9:10. My first thought was ' dang it Dan, you do not need to call me to tell me you are on your way home.' I couldn't focus on the caller ID. It was Laurette!!! We talked for 1/2 hour and I got some information out of her that no one else could. The doctors have given her 3 months! We talked about Tammy, Mom and I going to Texas. She said that she would love to have us come down just coordinate with her other sisters because she didn't want everyone there at once. It was very hard to keep my composure but I held it together as best as I could. When I got done talking to her, I called Karen (her other sister). We talked about when she was leaving for Texas and coordinated that we would be in Texas until the 12th and she and Julie would arrive on the 13th. Dan got home just as I was ending the call. He held me as I cried myself to sleep.

Friday AM - Oh how I hate the mornings after a migraine. I always feel hung over. I am glad I did not have to work but almost dreaded the fact that I had planned a swimming and lunch play date for my son with two of his buddies and their Mom's. On the other hand, having a house full keeps your mind off of things right??!

In hind site, I am very glad that everyone came to the house. It was wonderful to be 'normal' for a few hours!! I took a couple of minutes at around 1:00 to call Laurette as I had promised. I told her that Karen and I had coordinated and that Tammy, Mom and I would be in Texas on the 9th and leave on the 12th and that Karen and Julie would be there on the 13th. She said perfect!! Her spirits were up and she sounded not soooo very tired! I felt better too!

Tyler and I spent the rest of the day shopping and getting hair cuts. I was feeling better and Tyler was being so good! He can really tell when I need him to go the extra mile and behave!

Still Friday -2:20 Our realtor calls - we could have closed!!! The paper work we needed was in the the guys safety deposit box. The other realtor neglected to check with the owners!!! Can you say &%^&****!!!! And they still want more $$$$ for junk they left in the cabin. We told our realtor to tell their realtor that he can pay for the stuff out of his commision or they could have it all out of there before closing on Monday!!

Tyler wanted to stay at Grandma & Papa's Friday night so Dan took me out for a very nice, quiet dinner and then home for an early night; we were both sleeping by 10:00. Again, my phone rings at 11:30. I can't blame poor Dan because he is right next to me. It's Laurette! She has decided that she doesn't want us to come to Texas. WHAT????? My heart sinks!!! She has decided that since she already has a round trip ticket to Minneapolis for a concert on Friday the 10th that we should all just meet in the cities!! We can visit Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Then Julie and Karen are going to fly to Texas and drive her back to Minnesota. She will stay with Karen for a month or so!!! Karen has 20 acres and she is sure that I can just park my camper there and come and go as I please! OMG!!! Dan is sleeping and my mind is racing. I can't get back to sleep and there is no one to talk to!!

Saturday - I called Karen! Yep! I wasn't dreaming! She's coming home!!! Yes I can park my camper on their property. Yes we can all come and go as we please! Yes we are all welcome! She gave me the name and phone number of the hotel in MPLS and then I started calling my Mom and Tammy. Everything is set. I get a chance to get to know my sister better. God has given me the biggest gift! More than I could ever have hoped for! I am so happy that I am getting this chance! I am so greatful! There have been so many people who have been praying for me, my sister, our family! I have always known that God listens and answers prayers. I have been on the receiving end of answered prayers many times. I know that I have done nor could I possibly do anything to deserve His Grace but I am so very thankful that he has granted yet another prayer!

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.

Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.

Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. And have the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.

Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.

I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe.

I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and
joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it.



1 comment:

Julie said...

You have had a BUSY last few days! Hope the cabin deal closes soon...real nice about the other guy! geez! I get chills reading about your sis and you getting to see her!! Have a wonderful time!!!!!