Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another Day!

So much is happening in my life so quickly that today I took a minute to sit back and reflect.
Yesterday my ex-husband's dad got rear ended by a dump truck. My ex-FIL has been in surgery most of the night and again this morning. He has a broken back. I do not know how severe it is as my Ex does not like to give a lot of information.

But, as I look back on the past few weeks, things could have been worse. A lot worse. I am fortunate that I had time to spend with my sister (some people do not get this chance). I am fortunate that I could take the time off of work. I am fortunate that my Ex could look after our son so that I could be in Texas. I am fortunate that I got to meet so many of my sister's friends. I am fortunate that the VITAS hospice unit were a group of loving, caring and wonderful people. I am fortunate that I had safe travel while driving to Texas and while flying home. I am fortunate that I had a wonderful man in my life to clean my house, do my dishes, do my laundry and take care of all the mail while I was gone. I am fortunate that my Mother was able to drive down to Texas with me. I was fortunate that when Sunday morning came and I was supposed to leave that someone whispered in my ear and told me to stay. I am fortunate that I got to know my 'sister' Caryn. I am fortunate to now call her sister and friend. I am fortunate to have made friends with a few of my sister's friends and now have stronger link to my sister's memory and her family. I am fortunate that my sister knew God and was happy to be going to meet Him!! I am fortunate that my Ex-FIL is alive and is a strong man. I am fortunate that I was able to take my son last night when my Ex was needed at the hospital. I am fortunate to have many friends. I am fortunate to have a Mother and Step-Father who love me. I am fortunate to know God! I AM FORTUNATE!!!

Yesterday I read somethings that stated - For every one thing that goes wrong, there are probably 10 or 50 or 100 blessings. Count 'em!

As I close, today I ask you to count your blessings and to remember that even when things look bad, they could be worse! Know God and know that He will never forsake you. He is in control and He does have a plan!

Count your blessings, today and every day!



Unknown said...

What a wonderful post today! Well, every day is wonderful on your bolg, i love it! Makes me think and take time to count my blessings, Thanks!

Me said...

Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings....I am very blessed and it is always a good thing to remember to do....and something I try to do when things don't go the way I think they should.

Michelle said...

You are absolutely right about our blessings and remembering to say "thanks."

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :) Your area of MN is very beautiful :)

Michele Anderson said...

Hey you...just wanted to stop by and offer my support. I love the name of your blog by the way.