Friday, September 7, 2007

Hang it on the cross!

Wow! What a week! Tyler started school on Wednesday. We had a meet and greet with his teacher on Tuesday night and I set up a meeting for Wednesday morning at 8:30. I needed to talk with him about my ex and his lack of enthusiasm for school and refusal to help Tyler with homework. This tends to make life difficult because my ex has Tyler on Monday and Wednesdays and every other weekend. Don't get me wrong. My ex is all in all a pretty good guy (for an ex) but he hated school growing up and I think the homework and spelling words intimidate him. My ex is also a very selfish person. He bowls on Monday nights and golfs on Wednesday night. See a pattern here?? LOL! Anyways, the meeting went very good. The teacher seems great and very helpful.

Tyler didn't even make it through the first day of third grade without being sent to the time out room (place they have to spend recess). He was disrespectful to the teacher. Set him straight! He told me that this third grade stuff is much stricter than second grade. I told him he needed to learn to keep his mouth shut. He agreed and the rest of the week went without a problem! I even got a call from the teacher last night telling me Tyler was doing 'excellent'. Only the one minor problem. Let's pray that this continues.

Today I had out patient surgery. They removed a small nasty looking mole and two huge 'deposits' from right side rib cage. They took out two very large (green grape size) deposits. I ended up with 14 stitches. Sheesh it hurts to even move!! They sent it in to the pathologist and I should have results back by Tuesday! After everything with my sister, I am a nervous wreck! I am not sleeping, anything I eat definitely does not digest correctly, I am a walking zombie.

Yet, as I turn to God and try to do as my sister did 'put it in God's hands', I seem to find a little bit of peace. My regular doctor says that a break down is coming and it is normal. I am so grateful that I 'know' the Lord. Can you imagine the people who do not know they are in His hands, that He is all knowing, all comforting. That He has a plan. I know that I am scared but I also know that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that He will not carry me through! Our God is an awesome God!

Things to ponder: Have you put your faith in Him? I mean really put your faith in Him? There is nothing, NOTHING, that you need to worry about! Hang it on the Cross! It reminds me of something I memorized a long time ago. I do not know who wrote it but it is so true:

If you have a secret sorrow, a burden or a loss, an aching need for healing...Hang it on the Cross.
If worry steals your sleep and makes you turn and toss, if your heart is feeling heavy...Hang it on the Cross.
Every obstacle to faith or doubt you come across, every prayer unanswered...Hang it on the Cross.
For Christ has borne our brokenness and dearly paid the cost to turn our trial to triumph...Hang it on the Cross.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers Angela. Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine with your health.

Its great that Tyler is settling into school and things are going better. Sometimes kids just need to find their place and know what their limits are. Sounds like the teacher is good and on top of things and that will help Tyler adjust well.