Wednesday, February 27, 2008

If God didn't have a purpose for us, we wouldn't be here!

Wow! What a powerful statement!

I have been talking with friends online and face to face, who are like me and going through some sort of difficult time. I think of the trouble I have in my life and then I think of the trouble that other's have...I really can't complain a whole lot!! I am healthy, I have a roof over my head, I have a job, I have a wonderful, healthy son, I have a great boyfriend who thinks the world of me and I have the best friends in the world. Really!

Last week after reading my post my friend Anne gave me some AWESOME words:

Sometimes it isn't really the loss of a relationship that hurts and saddens us so much, but the loss of the dream and hope of what the relationship could have been (or more to the point, what it should have been).

Oh how those words hit home! The words had healing powers. I have been so fortunate to have friends who listen, care, and send wonderful words of wisdom. I have always hoped that I too could be a friend like that. Give words of comfort, listen and be a true friend when needed most.

I have a friend who gave me a cd called Out Of Breath by Go Fish. If you haven't heard it, find it. If you find it, buy it. You will not be disappointed. It is an awesome Christian acapella group. One of mine and Tyler's favorite songs is 'Your My Little Girl'. This song also has healing powers so much so that I listen to it daily!

Here are the word. Read them carefully!

The ones you love they let you down
And I want you to know that I¹m sorry
The choices that they made were wrong
You were caught in the middle and I¹m sorry

So when the anger and the pain
Get the best of you
I know it seems like you¹re all alone
But I am feeling it too

'Cuz you're my little girl
You¹re the one that I created
No one in this world could ever be like you
When you're cryin' in the night
All you need to do is call me
I¹ll be there for you
'Cuz you¹re my little girl

vs. 2
When you're lookin in the mirror
I hope you're likin' what you see
Because no matter what you're feelin'
You're perfect to me

Because I see you as a child
Blameless in my sight
Just spend some time with me
And I¹ll make everything alright



I know you don't deserve what you've been through
I know it doesn't seem fair
I know that there are times you think you're alone
But you've got to know that I will be there, be there


The same group did a remake of this song but the first one is definetly better than the second.

I just wanted to take today and thank my friends, my online friends as well as my local friends. Sometime I don't understand but I do know that God has a purpose for me; He will always be there for me...all I have to do is open the door and let Him lead me in!



Kristin K Stock said...

GIRL that is awesome!! WOW!!! Thank you!

20Birds said...

you post with such transparency ... you bless me... angela, I dont comment here much, but god lays you upon my heart often and I find myself praying for oyu, would lvoe to meet you someday!

Angie said...

WOW! This is wonderful, Angela. I love those song lyrics.

I continue to go back to Caroline's scripture:

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future."

I cling to those words so often. .. I pray that they'll bless you today, too.

Angie said...

::hee:: Angela, I just read your comment. Ironicaly (or not so) Edison and I had a great day yesterday. He's a really great kid. Just has an attitude sometimes!
