Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today I started an online Bible Study - Beth Moore's Believing God. I have never followed through with a Bible Study from beginning to end. I am hoping to be a little more motivated this time. Maybe the timing is 'Right'. I am hoping to day to carry you with me on this 10 week journey. I am not good at blogging on a daily basis but I have set up my 'area' near the computer. I am not going to get deeply into Beth Moore's message as that is something you truly have to see and hear! It is wonderful and well worth the visit. I am in awe of her ability to speak and to convey a message to so many and have it so that all understand.

What I am going to try and do is to write about something that 'popped' out at me during my studies.

Today it was
Ephesians 1:16
I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Something so simple yet has so much meaning to me. I pray everyday for my biological father. I give thanks that I learned so much from him. I learned how I did not want to be which is just as important as learning how you want to be.

It seems that circumstances motivate us to pray...trouble, sickness, distress, stress, crisis. It is sad that there are so many negative things that cause us to pray. Isn't it true that we often turn in a kind of 'list' to God? I want this, I want that, Lord will you do this, Lord will you do that? I think He would appreciate thanksgiving regularly, not just once a year.

And did you know that 'remembering you in my prayers' actually means to mention someone by name in your prayers. Not just a general mentioning. The research I am finding is quite interesting.

When Paul wrote Ephesians and made the above statement he was not asking for material things, he was asking for spiritual blessings. Asking the Spirit of God to reveal Christ to my soul and open the Word to my heart. One can be very brilliant yet there is no guarentee that there will be an understanding of spiritual truth. Scripture puts more emphasis on the understanding of the heart than of the head.

We are not alone! We have the Spirit in us and we have the protection of the full armor of God. It's up to us to use what we've been given.

Open my eyes,Lord
I want to see Jesus.
To reach out and touch Him
To show Him I love Him
Open my ears,Lord
And help me to listen
Open my eyes, Lord
I want to see Jesus



Angie said...

I'm so glad you're going through this Bible Study. You will be blessed. I promise.....


Creative Mayhem said...

I'd like to know more about the Bible study. Can anyone sign up online? I really need to read and learn more about the Bible.