Saturday, September 15, 2007

Middle of September?

Yesterday would have been my sister's 48th birthday. I thought I would have a really tough time with this day so I took it off from work and pampered myself. I went and got my hair highlighted and styled. I went shopping. I had a sinful pretzel from Starbuck's. I spent almost the whole day on myself. Then I decided we were going to have a birthday party for my sister. We had a special dinner; all of our favorites...marinated steak, fried mushrooms and onions, bacon wrapped scallops, baby glazed carrots, baked potatoes with butter and salt on the skins, fresh bread buttered both sides and toasted in the oven and of course dessert, raspberry cow tracks ice cream. Absolutely nothing that was healthy for us but yummmmyy! Then we had movie night; we watched something silly and funny...Country Bears! It was so much fun and relaxing. The whole day was very good...just as it should have been. A celebration of her life.Where does the time go?? I cannot believe it is the middle of September. Sheesh! If life keeps going at this speed, I won't have time to do all the things I want to accomplish!!

Where does the time go?? I cannot believe it is the middle of September. Sheesh! If life keeps going at this speed, I won't have time to do all the things I want to accomplish!!

Today I got up and snuggled with Tyler for about 1/2 hour. I love to do this and he told me this morning that he loved snuggling with Mom she's the best snuggler in the world! LOL! Of course after about 1/2 hour, cartoons became his main focus. T.V. is normally a NO! in this house but I had brought some work home and needed time to get it done so Pokemon here we come! This Pokemon thing is an obsession with him! He has games, movies, shows, cards...I just don't ever remember having an addiction like this one at the age of 8. He eats, sleeps and breathes Pokemon. I keep this very limited too!

It is very cold here the past few days. We are dropping into the 20's at night. Hard frost at night. Even the plants close to house froze!!! Winter is coming fast! We had snow flurries yesterday morning. Yikes!!

I love the fall but this year it went from daytime temps of 90's to 40's, overnight. What happened to the nice 50's to 70's. The walking in the woods and smelling Autumn. We don't even have any colors this year. It is very strange.

Today I am taking the air conditioners out and putting them away! I am also hoping to get to an outdoor craft show but it is almost too cold. Not just cold but windy!!

School is going great! Tyler had an awesome week! No trouble at all!! It's a miracle!!! No, not really; it's the difference between a poor teacher and an excellent teacher!! He has a great teacher this year! I even got the phone call! You know the one. You hold your breath and wonder when the bomb is going to fall?? But it didn't. He said Tyler was doing excellent! WhooHoo!!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. What do I want to accomplish? What do I want to be remembered for? My goal is to wake up every morning and be excited because life is going by sooo fast and ...

Today IS the first day of the rest of my life, let me please make the most of it!!


Angie said...

Hi Angela. .. . I've enjoyed reading your blog. I also enjoyed the menu from your dinner last night.


My address is. ..

Please send me an e-mail when you can!!

Anonymous said...

Your birthday party feast sounds like it was wonderful! I'm sure she loved her party and was very much there in spirit :)

Michelle said...

What a great way to celebrate. I'm sure your sister was right there with you.

I'm happy to read that you enjoyed yourself :)