Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Round Up

Round Up?

I am not sure what this is but it seems that the girls at TTS do this as a way of getting to know each other better.

What books and/or magazines did I read this month? I have read When My Pretty One Sleeps; read it before but needed something to help me fall asleep; I am reading the Box Car Children series with my son every night; I have read at least 3 scrapbooking magazines from front to back. Do School Books Count??? Yuck! I don't want to list them!!

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month? That's tough because I really don't watch T.V. at all during the summer unless it's the weather channell, LOL! And I haven't rented or been to a movie in way to long! Maybe we need to have movie nights now that school has started again!

What special days did I celebrate and how? We celebrated the death of my sister. I know that doesn't sound like a celebration but it truly was! It was one of the best celebrations I have ever been to.

We also celebrated my birthday! We started celebrating on August 31 with my sister Caryn, her family and her Mother, Charlotte. It was a great BBQ and it was very difficult for me to leave. The following day, September 1 we celebrate again but by having a BBQ with my Mom, sister, family and friends at the cabin. This was a little more stressful as we were trying to get the kids fishing and tubing and .... The food was great yet when everyone left, I was ready for bed. Saturday night we celebrated a friends child being born! We had a BBQ and bon fire. Very Relaxing! Sunday the 3rd was my actual birthday and it was perfect! I got my favorite breakfast and I got to go to Micheals and spend all three of my 50% off coupons and then I got to spend the day 4 wheeling with my guys! My mom made dinner and all was good!

What gifts did I give and/or receive? During the celebration of my sister life, I can only hope that I gave what I received...friendship, warmth, love.

As for my Birthday, I received many friends into my home and I was welcomed at their homes. I really couldn't ask for a whole lot more than that.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have? Well I had a complete physical and have been referred to a general surgeon for a "deposit" on my side near my rib cage. He is also going to check out a nasty more under my breast. I will not know anything about any of the xrays or blood work until later today or tomorrow.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family? We bought a cabin this past month and have become friends with the neighbors, we have watched sunsets, gone to dinner, sat around a bon fire, roasted marshmellows, gone mini golfing, gone shopping, laughed until the wee hours of the morning!

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month? I ate at The Cheese Cake Factory in Texas. I had never eaten there before. It was very expensive but very good! We also ate at a little sandwich place that was awesome!!!

What special or unusual purchases did I make? My sister made a resqest that everyone where bright colors to her funeral. We as the family wanted to try to where pink. I could not find anything pink. I found a beautiful white dress at Kohl's bought pink dye at WalMart and yep.... I dyed it pink!!

What were this month's disappointments? My biggest disappointment was not that my sister passed away, but that I didn't have enough time with her!! I feel like I should have been able to get to know her better, yet I am so greatful that God found a way for me to find her when I did. And he gave us 18 months together.

What were my accomplishments this month? I made many, many friends. And my family, my true family extends to Laurette's other sister and her family.

Anything else noteworthy to record? Life is good! Even as difficult as it is, I can look around and see all the good and wonderful things God wants to show me.

Total craft projects: Was I supposed to find time for this? LOL! I complete 3/4 of a layout and 4 cards. I completed a challenge for lunear photography and I took some awesome photos of the sun setting!

As I leave today I still need to give a little word of wisdom. It is an old one that my mother used quite abit but as I look back on the past few weeks, it fits well!!

If you cannot say something nice, keep your mouth shut. If you must utter the words, put food in your mouth first so that no one can understand your hurtful words!!



Michelle said...

I hope your medical tests show that your completely healthy!! So sorry to read about the loss of your sister. I lost my sister when I was 13, I can understand exactly what you mean about more time. Thank you for sharing your life with us bloggers :)

Spot-On said...

what the heck is a 'deposit" medical jargon for they don't know?
You truly inspire me with your outlook on the loss of your sister! (HUGS)
and yep loving the words of your mom!

Unknown said...

Great roundup! Sorry about the loss of your sister, but it is great that you celebrated her life! Hope all tests are good!