Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Someday, you’re going to meet a person who you don’t just think about spending your lonely nights with, but a person who you actually want to wake up next to, a person to share your mornings with.

This person will be different because they’re the only one, who can move past the unbreakable wall you’ve built around yourself, who can look past your exterior and break through all the bullshit you keep selling to the entire world.

They can look you in the eyes and know exactly when you’re lying or hiding something.
They can glance at you for a minute and know exactly what’s on your mind and what you’re feeling before you even begin to say it.

There will be a connection that you just can’t seem to understand, a connection that goes beyond time, space, and reason. And you’ll be happy in knowing that you’ve met someone who can share something as amazing as that with you.

And they will let you enter their world, just like you allowed them to enter yours.
You’ll talk about all the ambitions and dreams that you had never revealed to anyone else before. You’ll open up about the fears and disappointments that you didn’t even know existed. You will reveal all your mistakes and insecurities, only to find comfort in the fact that this one person beside you, will never judge you for any of it.

Someday, you’re going to find a person who knows how to break through every wall you ever built and leave you with the kind of raw feelings and emotions that you never even knew you were capable of experiencing.

And you’re going to look at that person and know very well that they’re not perfect, that they have their own set of flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities. But you’ll find happiness in seeing how perfectly your flaws complement each other, in a way that everything starts to make complete sense.

Someday, you’ll realize that you’ve started to worry for this one person in your life, after years of only worrying about your own self.

You’ll find yourself getting angry to any person who has done them wrong.
You’ll find yourself feeling all these new things through another person’s soul. And while you will never be able to take away their pain or their past, it’s their future that you’re more concerned about now. And you realize that previously, your own future was the only one that actually mattered to you.

Someday, you’ll realize that if anything were to ever happen to this person, you would end up being a complete and utter mess. You wouldn’t be able to recover, to find someone who could replace them, to stop being sad about their absence in your life.

You’ll realize that they really matter to you.

You’ll realize that they always have.

And you’ll realize that they always will.
Someday, you’ll find yourself reminiscing over every tiny little detail about them- from the first time you met them and the very first words you spoke with each other to all the amazing memories that followed.

And the memories will start to surprise you. Because you’ll think about how you’ve lived a good and long life, seen so many different faces along the way and had so many different interactions. And yet, this person and all the interactions you’ve had with them are the only ones you remember with such intricate details.

And this relationship will be something that no one around you seems to truly understand. But the thing is they don’t have to understand it. They don’t have to accept it. They don’t even have to like it.

Because you already have.
So you’ll muster up the courage to finally break free from your wall, to let all your inhibitions go, and say those three magic words! And for the first time in your life, you won’t hold back because for the first time in your life, you’re looking at a person with complete confidence in your heart, a person who isn’t going to let you down.

Someday, you’re going to meet a person who simply feels like home.

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