Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Loving Nephew!

Matthew is my sister’s 8-year-old son. He is a beautiful, magical, enthusiastic, charming little boy. He is warm, funny, and intelligent and will bring a new perspective to everyone who will allow him to touch their life. Why would you not allow a little boy like this in your life? Because you might be afraid, because he’s different, because he has Down’ Syndrome. If you choose to look beyond this, you will find that he is truly God’s miracle. I have met many children of this age. I have a son who is 6 months older than Matthew. There is very little that my son can do that Matthew cannot!! Matthew can read (even words as big as penicillin), he can write (his penmanship is sloppy but so are most guys I know!), he knows how to add and subtract. He is truly no different than my own son. With one exception, he is innocent! He is pure! He does not understand conditional love or anything like it. Oh, how I wish at times that I could bring back the days that my son was innocent, when he didn’t understand the nastiness of life. If you have ever judged someone who has Down’s Syndrome, SHAME on you!! I am so fortunate to have met Matthew and to know him. He brought laughter (and tears) to a very difficult time in all of our lives.

I can remember my sister lying in bed just a few days before she left to be with the Lord. She says, “Matthew’s goal in life is to make people laugh. He is always trying to clown around and be the jokester.” Matthew is so full of life and smiles and happiness. It amazes me.

My sister went to be with the Lord at 3:55 am on Monday, August 13, 2007. Matthew was still asleep when the funeral home came to pick up the body. When Matthew woke up, his Dad decided that we should try and have as normal of a day as possible and wanted to go out for breakfast. As we all got in the car, Matthew stated that he had forgotten to say goodbye to Mommy. Matthew’s Dad reminded Matthew about the conversation they had been having about Mommy going to heaven. Matthew said that he remembered. Daddy said, ‘ well, Mommy went to heaven this morning.’ Matthew was fine with this and we all thought, ‘well maybe he didn’t quite understand’. At breakfast I asked Matthew is he would like to start the Morning Prayer. He stated that he wanted to do it all by himself. “Dear God… Thank you for taking Mommy to heaven. I know that she can see the birds and the trees all blooming. I am glad she is with you. Amen!”

We were all crying and had a very hard time swallowing breakfast. He, in his own way, had understood!

On Tuesday, we had what we call up north ‘the wake’. In Texas, they have a nicer label. It is called, ‘visitation of friends’. Isn’t that beautiful? Matthew’s Dad had decided on an open casket. I can honestly say that though I never said anything I disagreed! I was soooo very wrong! Very, very wrong! Matthew needed to see his Mommy and understand that she wasn’t going to wake up. I was told a story once when my Aunt passed away. The pastor told us that a body is like a candy bar. It comes with this nice wrapper on the outside to keep it safe until you ate it. The wrapper was on the outside but the really, really good stuff was on the inside. Well our body is just the wrapper! It is to keep us safe until God comes to get the really, really good stuff, the stuff on the inside.
When Matthew saw his Mommy and tried to wake her, we all cried! Matthew shook her and broke down. Matthew’s Daddy took him into the chapel in the next room. I could here the conversation from where I was. Daddy – “Matthew, I told you Mommy went to heaven. Just the wrapping is here.” Matthew –“When is Mommy coming back from heaven.” Daddy – “Mommy isn’t coming back from heaven. She is going to live with God now.” Matthew – “What is heaven like?” Daddy – “Oh, heaven is everything you can ever imagine. It is this beautiful place that has everything you could ever want or need!” Matthew – “Oh, it’s just like Chuck E. Cheese!”

Matthew my lovable, kind, wonderful nephew. There are so many moments like this when you brought a smile or laughter to those around you. You are truly an amazing, gifted little boy.

As I close today, here are the thoughts I want you to ponder upon. Have you ever judged someone by how they looked, dirty clothes, some sort of disfigurement, smelly, speeding, passing you unsafely? Is your child starting to judge classmates because they wear glasses or can’t afford the clothes that some can afford? Do you know their circumstances? Did you try to get to know them? Maybe that person who flew by you this morning on the shoulder of the highway was late for work…but maybe, just maybe they had just gotten a call from a family member who was injured or hurt? Whenever you find yourself judging someone else, remember, there may be a very nice person under those dirty clothes? Or maybe, there is a precious, loving child who we would LOVE to be a part of.


Unknown said...

This brought tears to my eyes. What a special, special nephew you have! Thanks for sharing the conversations with us. God Bless you all!

~dawne said...

Thank you for these beautiful words of wisdom & the story.

Michelle said...

Your post reminded me of so many things. I was 35 when I had my 3rd child. The midwife talked to us about the tests we should have to determine if our baby would be DS. I know why they recommended the test. I didn't have it. A child is a child (in my opinion), all children are beautiful. I never experienced DS firsthand and don't know of any children personally but I don't see them as different. I have a sister who is profoundly disabled with severe brain damage and she's been that way for 22 years. It is amazing how people judge situations like that and I have no patients for it. My mother passed away in April, your candy wrapper analogy made me smile and made my eyes tear also. I like the analogy, its very beautiful.

Me said...

What a wonderful post Angela....thanks for sharing!

Angie said...

Hey Angela!

Thanks for popping by my blog. I believe we "know" each other through Beth Cain. . . ?

Your post about Matthew and your sister is just precious. Thank you for sharing such a precious story.

I'd love to talk more to you in the coming days. ..

Angie (carolinesmom)

20Birds said...

ack!!!! i have no time to really write and i want to so badly... i have so much to say... well what else is new? totally blessed me by your comments on my blog, and this post of yours... and i will be back soon... am so happy we've met, yoeu know what i mean

Jacinda said...

Oh Angela, what a great writer you are! I can't even see the keyboard properly for the tears still in my eyes. I totally agree with everything you said, and the candy wrapper story is one I'm going to remember for my own girls should I ever need it. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us.