Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Texas still haunts my mind

I am a member of the most wonderful group of Scrapbooking women at www.treasurestoscrap.com. One of the challenges today was to blog about my favorite adhesive! But everyone who knows me knows that I use Tombow! It's what I started with; it's what I have always used. And when I buy it, I buy it in bulk. I did look at Di Hickman's blog and order the free samples of UHU. I promise I will try it with an open mind.

Now on to what is really on my mind! Texas!! It still amazes me and really has changed how I look at people. These are people who are beyond kind, generous, and giving. Today I am going to talk about Heather. Heather is also an employee of VITAS. (Just to make sure everyone understands, VITAS is the name of the hospice unit who met my sister and her family for the first time on August 9, 2007.)

Okay, I need to back up a little bit here. When I saw my sister in June, one of the only negative comments she made about her wonderful husband, Gary, was that for two years he has neglected to finish the sun room she wanted done! He bought her a motorcycle and they went riding, he made her go on trips,..he made her grasp life with both hands and live life to the fullest but he wouldn't finish this room!

Back to the present. When I got to my sister's home on the 9th of August, Gary was laying tile and trying to grout it in the... you guessed it, the sun room. He wanted desperately to finish this room for Laurette. However, it was so hot that the grout would dry faster than he could finish it and it turned into a big, big mess.

On Friday the 10th, Heather happened to stop by and check on everyone and saw the dillema that Gary was in. Heather's hubby does this type of work for a living but was off of work for a short while so... you guessed it Heather, her hubby and her baby came and spent two days, on their own time, and helped take the grout out and re-do it, paint the walls, put up molding around the windows and doors. The whole thing. They spent 1/2 of one day and a whole day. And do you think they would accept one penny? NO! They did not know my sister before this, they did not know me, or anyone close to the family. They did this out of kindness! They did this because they are Christians!! I can never repay this family for their kindness or their time. All I can do is pass the kindness on to others.

As I leave you today, remember that some people will never, ever see a bible. YOU will be the only example they will ever see! Always try to live in Christ and with Christ and be an example of what Christ would want you to be. Be patient, go out of your way to be kind...even when you don't feel like it. You will be surprised as to how being kind will become and everyday act and you will feel better and better even when you feel bad. It will come back to you three fold!!



Anonymous said...

Angela - I am enjoying your posts...you have a way with words and your wisdom is amazing. God Bless!

Spot-On said...

I'm a firm believer in Karma and paying it forward. It really does work!
Glad you ordered a sample of adhesive! Hey it's free what do you have to lose?

Unknown said...

I too love reading your blog. So nice to read something like this.