Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I know....I know....

Wow! All I can say is I am sorry! Time seems to have just been slipping away. Updating anything has been impossible. Well life is never boring around here. My health has been the issue this time! It all started a few months back with a urinary infection. I got some medicine to stop the burning (it turned my urine bright orange) and an anti-biotic (it turned my urine bright red) and believe it or not the colors did not mix they swirled. After that I got eczema on my hands. I had never had it before and it was very painful! They finally put me on a type of steroid that can only be used for 5 days or your skin will fall off! skin was already peeling like crazy and itching and...what the heck was causing all of this??

Pre-menopause!!!! Can you flipping believe it!! Seems that hormone changes can cause a lot of problems!! And do you think I was done yet? NOPE!! After all of this stuff is cleared up, I get my period (first time in 3 months) and I can honestly say that one...I didn't miss was so hard that I would stand up and have a mess running down my leg, even if I had just been in the bathroom 10 minutes earlier (sorry guys!) lasted for over 3 weeks.

I was light headed (more than normal), sick to my stomach, and I had pain in my abdomen so bad. Yes I finally went to the doctor. They put me on loratab and set up an appointment for an ultrasound. The loratab didn't even cut the pain. They changed it to a type of Morphine. Okay, this worked really well but I don't remember much and I'm not sure I functioned correctly. ROFL! They did both an external and internal ultrasound. Seems I have some cysts on my ovaries (this is what is causing the pain) Did you know that cysts are common with hormone changes! YEAH!! Another two maybe three years of this!! Okay, so that's not all. My endometrium lining is very abnormally shaped. I need to see a gynocologist and have a endometrial biopsy.

Okay for those of you who don't like details STOP reading here.

This biopsy was so painful!! First thing they did was a regular pap. (you know the drill. Yuck!) Then they take another lovely piece of equipment to fold back the outer edge of the cervix. The doctor says, "this will be a little will pinch." Yeah right. Have you ever been pinched by something that feels like needles?? Okay, so now they want to put this soft, straw-like device (pipelle) to suction a small sample of lining but they can't get it in because my cervix is to small...yeah! So, I am still laying there all hooked up and the doctor has to call a nurse in to go and get a dialator. Okay now I am really uncomfortable. He get the dialator in there (okay can we get anything else into this small area!!) and can't get me to dialate even with this device. Finally after about 1/2 hour the pipelle is suctioning a sample of the lining. (Again, I am told that I will feel a small pinching!) Okay, I am still feeling the needles from the cervical thing...and the dialator should have been used with either a general or regional anesthesia ( I was given nothing!) and now I am being told I will feel another small pinch!!! By this time the tears are rolling down my face. And the doctor says, "It really shouldn't be hurting that bad." UGH!!!

The pap and the biopsy came back fine. But I will continue to have these problems because...yep, hormone changes!! Pre-menopause!!

Anyways, I have been exhausted. I have taken a leave of absence from Treasures To Scrap (thanks for understanding T) and other than going to work, I really have not been doing much of anything (other than driving Tyler to deliver popcorn!)

Today is one of the first days in a long time that I feel like I am getting my life back. I finally slept without pain killers and woke up not feeling hung over. I am getting a little tired now but wanted to let everyone know what has been going on cuz I really haven't even responded to e-mails much.

Michele - I miss you and am sorry I didn't get to see you when you came back for the funeral (Heck! I didn't even get a card and that's not like me! Sorry is all I can say and ask for forgiveness!!)

I am on the mend and am excited that I will have two weeks off at Christmas. I will be off of work from the 19th of December to January 5th! I am not sure what I will do with all that mom says I should paint my bathroom so of course...I won't! ROFL!!

I am off to bed.

Thanks for all the prayers!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Layouts Finally!!

WoooHooo! Can you believe it? I am back on the paper team at Treasure's To Scrap. I am so excited. I loved doing digital layout and Treasure's To Scrap is looking for new digital team members of all types...beginners to advanced. Get on over there and apply...I would love to see some of my friends on the site with me!!

I had fun creating this simple layout of me being stuck in the mud. It took forever to get "un" stuck!! But I had so much fun. This summer was by far the best summer for wheeling. I can say that I would rather be 4-wheeling than anything else including scrapping. It is my first choice for things to do.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Oh My!

I can't believe it has already been over a month since my last post. Things here have been sooo busy. I love, love, love my new job. Working 8 - 5 Mon - Fri is not bad at all. I get up in the morning smile and just about everyone who knows me says that I have a 'sparkle' back. I have been so busy between the new job and Tyler's baseball that I haven't had much time to anything else.

We took a few days on around the 4th and went to the cabin. We had an awesome day with friends and then watched the fireworks that we all pitched in and bought. It really was amazing. Here are a couple of layouts that I did digitally from photos I took the night of the 4th.

Baseball has kept us very is a layout I did of Tyler for baseball.

And here is one more layout that I did of my friend Katie's beautiful little girl. I love taking pictures of her


Well we are off to go fishing for a few hours. I will try to update again soon!

Hugs to everyone! I miss you all!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Well today was my last day at Livgard Surveying! I worked today and then went to Tyler's baseball game...we needed winter jackets, hats and mittens! No Joke!! It is only 40 degrees with high winds!

Got home from the game and realized that I left my purse at work. I was going to go back on Saturday and clean out all of my stuff but I figured since I had to drive over I might as well clean everything out...well, almost everything! I need to leave some of the AT&T stuff there because I have to have an 'office'. I never understood that because I use a cell phone for business and I go to most of my clients...why do I need an office?? Oh well!

I have been very busy the past few days scrapping and cleaning! I clean when I am angry or nervous. I guess the new job could be a reason for being nervous because I am definitely not angry about anything!

Any way I thought I would share some of my new layouts with you but for some reason my external hard drive has decided that it is not going to play nice until I reboot my computer...and since I really don't want to lose everything I have typed, I will save, reboot and then come back. So if you see this, come back in a few minutes and you will see the layouts I have been working on. LOL!

Okay, here is one that I did using Fabella's Template. The template can be found at Treasures To Scrap in the June template thread! I used Trevors Treasures and really had a fun time with this one!

This one was done with Dawn Inskip's Midnight Diamonds found at Treasures To Scrap. I had never seen an owl before (in the wild) and I was driving down a street in town and this guy was sitting on a 'watch for deer' sign! I got a lot of pictures of him but I didn't like the sign. So I extracted him and made this fun Harry Potter type layout.

I think this one has to be one of my favorites. I just learned how to blend using a great tutorial on Heather Mannings blog (you can click on her link to get to her blog). It is a super easy tutorial and I have had so much fun using it. I used Fabella's kit Gentle Boys found at Treasures To Scrap.

So this is what I have been up to. I will hopefully have more for you about the new job soon! Wish me luck and say a prayer if you can please. I am very nervous!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New, new, new

Whoa! Stop the world and let me off! I cannot believe how fast everything is happening. My dear friend Michele will be moving soon to Omaha!! :( My other friend Karen will be moving to Detroit Lakes!! :( They will be leaving within a few days of each other and I am very sad! I will miss you both very much!!

Tyler is just finishing up 3rd Grade!! Can you believe it? And the summer is already gone! My gosh I just cannot believe it. We have baseball, boy scout camp, bible camp, not to mention a vacation if we can fit one in?!

Last week Tyler got a reward from the Voyageur Area Council (Boy Scouts). He took 8th place in popcorn sale out of over 4,000 boys and in reality he was higher than that because my total was $300.00 higher than theirs. But it really didn't matter in the long run.

Some really good news about Trevor can be found over at TTS and Tracy's blog! He finally got his transplant and so far so good! We continue to pray for him and of course for the families of the donors. It always seems so terrible that someone must die in order for another to live. But I am so thankful that there are donors out there!!! If you are a donor, THANK YOU! If you aren't, WHY???

Next Wednesday will be my last day at the work for the surveying company. I have been offered a position with A. H. Zeppa Foundation and my first day will be June 5. (That is also Tyler's last day of school!!) It will be my first time in over 10 years working 8-5, M-F! Yikes! I am excited to start the job but also very nervous.

Let's see...what else is keeping us busy? We started the plans for the cabin and filled out the paper work for the variance. Once that is approved we will be lifting the cabin, pouring a floor, and adding on, both up and out!

Besides that...not much is going on! ROFL!! I have one week left of my Bible Study!! I should be done by now! Part of me doesn't want to do it because then it will be over and I have enjoyed every second of it; so, maybe that is why I am procrastinating! Beth...Angie...I promise I will get on it!!!



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick and sick and tired!

Well let's see...what has been happening here you ask?

April 26th I woke up with a headache to beat all headaches. I thought for sure I was going to end up in the emergency room getting a shot of Imitrex for migraines. My sister and her boyfriend and his 4 children came over to celebrate Tyler's birthday (yes, we celebrate all month...we can never get everyone together at one time!) I was so sick! I finally threw up and felt a little better. They left Tianna (the oldest girl) to spend the night. I felt better so Tianna and I created a digital layout, printed it on an iron-on transfer and the put it on a canvas tote. This was for a challenge that Robin had on her blog (click on Robin's name to see her awesom blog and freebies).

We had alot of fun and each of us won a free kit from Robin! Tianna will be thrilled when I see her next time.

Sunday I woke up and still didn't feel well. My head was spinning and I was dizzy. (Dizzier than normal!!!) My face hurt, my ears hurt, my hair hurt!

Monday I tried to go to work and made it a whole hour and a half. I was hot and then cold and I was sick to my way I am going to throw up in a public bathroom!!

Tuesday I stayed home. By Wednesday I in horrible pain. I felt like someone was putting needles in both my ears. I finally relented and went to the doctor. Double ear infections!! Ugh! Antibiotics...and no work on Thursday.

Friday I was finally able to sit up for about 5 hours and work at the computer. Saturday and Sunday were both very slow days. I really lost a lot of strength.

Monday I went back to work...Finally!!!

As you can see I have changed my blog a little bit. This was also a challenge by Robin! (Along with a template and instructions! She is just rockin' her blog. I used a kit by Teraginna from TTS (link to TTS is on my side bar). This kit has some great papers and the elements totally ROCK!!!

I also did two very quick card using this kit.

So in a nut shell...I have been sick and tired and I am sick and tired of being sick. I am trying to catch up on everything and with everyone. So if I have missed you, I am sorry. I am still trying to clean my house, do laundry, catch up at work, catch up with bible study, catch up on forums, catch up...okay you get my drift.

I have missed you all and hope that you will stop by Robin's blog and check it out; if for no other reason than to leave her some love and don't forget to check out the great deals at TTS.

Until next time...I'm Believing God!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am stunned!

I said before that I have been participating in a contest at Scrapping With Grace. I cannot believe I made it into Week 3! This week we can do whatever we want! As long as we use at least 75% Cosmo Cricket. I love Cosmo Cricket. The line is awesome!! However, I am having a major block right now. I have the photo; I have the papers; I just can't seem to find a title or the BLING that I need to make it ROCK!! Yikes!

On another note (still stunned), I just finished week 3 in the Believing God Beth Moore Bible study. I cannot believe that I am still doing the study. I have started studies before but normally after about two or three days, something else comes up and I get detoured. This one is different! I really like the fact that one of the things she asks us to do is to not just believe what she is saying or any other earthly teacher. But to go to the Bible and open our hearts and read what our heavenly teacher has to say. If we do this with an open heart, we will hear what He has to say to us.

I also like the fact that with the online study, I have access to the KVG with strongs. Basically that means that I can look up english words and find out what they mean in Greek or Hebrew and what the word meant when it was orginally written. It really, really changes how I interpret what I read.

Other than that, my stunning miracle of the day today is that my Ex called and was polite! We had a very nice conversation. I am always so happy when we can get along. I wish that we could just be friends but most of the time he tells me a can't stand even talking with me.

Well that's it for today.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Lost more than an hour!

With the time change here last Sunday, I have been so tired. I more than made up for the one hour loss. I went home on Monday at noon and slept about 20 hours. My body must have been fighting something. I still have a scratchy throat, my ears are plugged but other than that I feel pretty good.

Bible study has been going great! I haven't been able to get to the Blue Braclet group and share a whole lot. I slept and then I spent time with Tyler and then I slept ... Between Bible study and keeping up with house chores and then there is this scrapbooking stuff (more on that in a minute) and losing that hour...there is not enough time in the day.

On Tuesday late afternoon I got an e-mail that really bummed me out. TTS had to let go of the entire Paper Team (I was on that team.). It was not something that she wanted to do but it happened anyway. So as of March 31st, I will not longer be on a Creative team. I will still be a part of TTS as a member as the community is awesome! If you haven't stopped by, GET ON OVER THERE!!!

I have also been participating in a contest at Scrapping With Grace. (I originally went to the site because I thought that it might be about Inspirational scrapbooking.) Anyways, there was a contest just starting called The Last Scrapper Standing. It is fun but man, oh, man the gals I am competing with are AWESOME!!! I am pretty sure I will be bumped on Monday.

On the home front, Yikes!!! Tuesday Tyler's teacher called me and told me that Tyler was NOT having a very good day. He intentionally tripped a boy, the boy fell and hit his head on a desk, Tyler got mad at himself, went to his desk and shredded a notebook and to make matters worse he stuffed food down a girls snow pants at lunch. Could I please come to the school and talk with him and the school counselor. UGH!!! Well it really wasn't as bad as the teacher made it sound. After talking with the room aide (Tyler's teacher wasn't in the room when the tripping took place.) who was standing right next to Tyler, Tyler did NOT intentionally trip the boy. Tyler and a group of kids where playing with some items while sitting on the floor. One of the boys was taking what the kids where playing with. When this boy came back to take more stuff, Tyler tried to stop him by grabbing his ankle, when Tyler let go of his ankle, the boy tripped over a box. He did not hit his head on anything!! Tyler did get upset and tried to tear up his notebook. And the stuffing food down the girls snowpants was nothing more than one french fry!! Okay, so he had a rough day. But it wasn't as bad as the teacher made it out to be. Tyler was put to bed early (being as he was up until after 10:00 Monday night and after 12:30 on Saturday night (I don't like that his dad lets him do that!!))

Oh well, that is life here! I am hoping to give my blog a makeover today but we will see if I get it accomplished!


Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today I started an online Bible Study - Beth Moore's Believing God. I have never followed through with a Bible Study from beginning to end. I am hoping to be a little more motivated this time. Maybe the timing is 'Right'. I am hoping to day to carry you with me on this 10 week journey. I am not good at blogging on a daily basis but I have set up my 'area' near the computer. I am not going to get deeply into Beth Moore's message as that is something you truly have to see and hear! It is wonderful and well worth the visit. I am in awe of her ability to speak and to convey a message to so many and have it so that all understand.

What I am going to try and do is to write about something that 'popped' out at me during my studies.

Today it was
Ephesians 1:16
I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Something so simple yet has so much meaning to me. I pray everyday for my biological father. I give thanks that I learned so much from him. I learned how I did not want to be which is just as important as learning how you want to be.

It seems that circumstances motivate us to pray...trouble, sickness, distress, stress, crisis. It is sad that there are so many negative things that cause us to pray. Isn't it true that we often turn in a kind of 'list' to God? I want this, I want that, Lord will you do this, Lord will you do that? I think He would appreciate thanksgiving regularly, not just once a year.

And did you know that 'remembering you in my prayers' actually means to mention someone by name in your prayers. Not just a general mentioning. The research I am finding is quite interesting.

When Paul wrote Ephesians and made the above statement he was not asking for material things, he was asking for spiritual blessings. Asking the Spirit of God to reveal Christ to my soul and open the Word to my heart. One can be very brilliant yet there is no guarentee that there will be an understanding of spiritual truth. Scripture puts more emphasis on the understanding of the heart than of the head.

We are not alone! We have the Spirit in us and we have the protection of the full armor of God. It's up to us to use what we've been given.

Open my eyes,Lord
I want to see Jesus.
To reach out and touch Him
To show Him I love Him
Open my ears,Lord
And help me to listen
Open my eyes, Lord
I want to see Jesus


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

If God didn't have a purpose for us, we wouldn't be here!

Wow! What a powerful statement!

I have been talking with friends online and face to face, who are like me and going through some sort of difficult time. I think of the trouble I have in my life and then I think of the trouble that other's have...I really can't complain a whole lot!! I am healthy, I have a roof over my head, I have a job, I have a wonderful, healthy son, I have a great boyfriend who thinks the world of me and I have the best friends in the world. Really!

Last week after reading my post my friend Anne gave me some AWESOME words:

Sometimes it isn't really the loss of a relationship that hurts and saddens us so much, but the loss of the dream and hope of what the relationship could have been (or more to the point, what it should have been).

Oh how those words hit home! The words had healing powers. I have been so fortunate to have friends who listen, care, and send wonderful words of wisdom. I have always hoped that I too could be a friend like that. Give words of comfort, listen and be a true friend when needed most.

I have a friend who gave me a cd called Out Of Breath by Go Fish. If you haven't heard it, find it. If you find it, buy it. You will not be disappointed. It is an awesome Christian acapella group. One of mine and Tyler's favorite songs is 'Your My Little Girl'. This song also has healing powers so much so that I listen to it daily!

Here are the word. Read them carefully!

The ones you love they let you down
And I want you to know that I¹m sorry
The choices that they made were wrong
You were caught in the middle and I¹m sorry

So when the anger and the pain
Get the best of you
I know it seems like you¹re all alone
But I am feeling it too

'Cuz you're my little girl
You¹re the one that I created
No one in this world could ever be like you
When you're cryin' in the night
All you need to do is call me
I¹ll be there for you
'Cuz you¹re my little girl

vs. 2
When you're lookin in the mirror
I hope you're likin' what you see
Because no matter what you're feelin'
You're perfect to me

Because I see you as a child
Blameless in my sight
Just spend some time with me
And I¹ll make everything alright



I know you don't deserve what you've been through
I know it doesn't seem fair
I know that there are times you think you're alone
But you've got to know that I will be there, be there


The same group did a remake of this song but the first one is definetly better than the second.

I just wanted to take today and thank my friends, my online friends as well as my local friends. Sometime I don't understand but I do know that God has a purpose for me; He will always be there for me...all I have to do is open the door and let Him lead me in!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

If you don't try, you've already failed!

Back in January I told you about a layout I had to do about ME! If you go back and read it, you will learn that I almost didn't do it; if I hadn't done it, I wouldn't be on the CT at TTS. It just goes to show that if you put your mind to something, you can succeed and if you don't try, you've already failed!!

I am trying very hard to be an with out further is the layout that I posted for the AAM requirement.
Journaling Reads:
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name
would care to know my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star would choose to light the way for my ever wondering heart.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin would look on me with love and watch me rise again.
Who am I?
That the voice that calms the sea would call out through the rain and calm the storm in me.
I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow. A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I’m calling, Lord; you catch me when I’m falling. And you told me who I am…I am yours.
Not because of who I am but because of what you’ve done. Not because of what I’ve done but because of who you are.
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
‘Cuz I am yours.
I am yours.
Casting Crowns

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I am...

exactly where I am supposed to be.

Have you ever been so depressed about so many things and then either read something, feel something and/or hear something and realize that no matter what is happening it is happening for a reason and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be!!!

Right around Christmas I started to talk to my biological father again. When I got a divorce, he basically disowned me...there is more to it than that but again that is another story. After a week of really trying hard to make an effort to call him and talk with him and work through our problems, he, out of the blue, tells me that he doesn't think that this will work...basically I was told that it was not worth the effort. I have had a very difficult time dealing with this. Those of you who know me know the history and all the abuse (physical, mental and emotional) that my mother, my sister and I took from my biological father. When my mom decided she wanted a divorce I was thrilled!!! No more beatings, no more shot guns, no more being thrown down flights of stairs or having glass shards thrown at me... Fast forward to age 23...He had quit drinking and been sober for 5 years. We started a very delicate relationship but it grew and we became friends. Anyways, I have spent 20 years letting this man slowly come back into my life. When my marriage fell apart, my biological father decided that I was not worth the effort. I was truly devastated. I have been carrying this around for almost three years. At Christmas, I tried again. I really thought that maybe we could become friends again. Guess not!! I didn't get as upset about this as I have in the past but it did/does eat at me now and again.

A few days ago, I was looking through the gallery at TTS and came upon a layout by Nancy P. It's a great layout with a quote that is fabulous...I have learned to love enough to let go! I know that I will never live up to my biological father's expectation...I love him, I will always love him...but I need to let him go! Thank you Nancy for helping me realize that I NEED to let go!

Tonight while watching SnowBuddies with my son I heard another wonderful quote...I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I have to trust that the Lord has something in mind with all of this and that He has put me exactly where I am supposed to be...I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I don't have to understand it...I just need to trust him!!!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this...thanks for listening, thanks for holding me, thanks for advise, plane and simple THANKS!!! (Don't think that this is the end of it as I know it will rear it's ugly little head again) But I know that I can always count on all of you to be there holding me up through the whole ordeal!


Saturday, February 2, 2008


The past few days have been crazy to say the least. My laptop finally kicked the bucket. It works but is very slow and after about 10 minutes starts to 'clunk'. It is 8 years old. It has been used very well. I have been looking for a new computer for about a month. I wanted to stay with XP but it seems that it is only available for business (special build) and is VERY expensive. Unless of course you are able to build it yourself...I can't. So it took about a month to convince me that my only choice was either Mac or Vista and I have too many programs that won't ever run on Mac. So it was Vista. That choice being made, I needed to decide what kind of processor. I knew I wanted something that could multi-task and was very fast. Ok, Quad Core was the only choice. Now researching whick Quad Core - Intel or AMD. It didn't take me long to figure out the Intel was the answer. After reading a lot of the chat rooms, even AMD people where disappointed with the AMD processor. It used to much electricity (my hair dryer on low for the whole day!) and it was very loud! The rest was much easier...Vista only reads up to 3GB of memory so there was no sense paying for any more. I already had the 500 GB external HD so anything with 500 or higher was more than enough.

I looked at Circuit City, Best Buy, Sam's Club, on-line...Well being as I am an instant gratification girl and the price difference was zero...I ended up at Best Buy. I purchased an HP Intel Core Quad Core, 3GB Memory, 720 GB Hard Drive computer. I also got a 24" LCD Flat Panel, High Definition, Widescreen monitor! It rotates from widescreen being side to side to widescreen being up and down so that I can turn it for the photos that I take sideways. WhooHoo!!!

I also ordered my wide format Epson printer!!! I am so excited. It should be here on Tuesday!

I paid for Best Buy's Geek Squad to 'optimize' the computer, basically to take off all the trials, the anti-virus software, the infommercials...all the crap that shouldn't be on there in the first place.

Got home - still Thursday night...put everything together. Monitor doesn't work. By this time it is close to 10:00 pm. Called HP...someone was actually in customer support and they walked me through everything. By this time I am exhausted so off to bed. I have Friday off from work so I can finish setting the computer up AND get my layouts done for TTS.

Friday morning... computer won't let me on to GMAIL, won't let me post to TTS and when I tried to install my anti-virus, I was informed that there was already an anti-virus program on the computer. I looked for Norton's in the uninstall portion of the computer and sure enough, there it was! I hit uninstall and was informed that I needed to reinstall Norton's before I could uninstall! I called the Geek Squad and was told to bring the computer in and they would uninstall Norton's correctly AND refund my 'optimization' charge. I didn't have time for this couldn't they just walk me through it. Nope. I also talked to them about GMAIL. They said it was something to do with the computer registry and that I could really mess things up if I tried to fix it. UGH!!!!

Off to Best Buy, they couldn't get Norton's to uninstall either. Finally after 2 hours they got it to uninstall. During this time, they have power cycled the computer so many times that I noticed that my old laptop booted up faster than this new computer. I asked them if it should be that slow. The 'big' Geek Squad guy is rolling his eyes at me by this time but humors me by timing the boot up process. 2 minutes go by and he finally tells one of his guys to just go get me a new $%^& computer. another hour to optimize AGAIN!! I finally got back home 5 hours later.

Now I have come to learn a few things about's not as bad as everyone says, if you want to install something and it won't let you, shut off the firewall, I love that I can listen to FM radio, I love that I can watch DVD,s, listen to CD,s and set it up to watch satellite TV, all with my new surround sound. I can record up to two weeks of any tv program I want and burn it to DVD. I can set up a user for Tyler and he can only go onto the internet sites that I put under his user!

I can see the screen from across the room and with the wireless keyboard and mouse I can scrap and surf at the same time. I also have a remote for the TV, internet, I can mute instantly.

So, all in all even though it was orignally a pain in the butt. I am happy with my purchase. (I do still have the XP system up and running right now but eventually I will convert everything to this system.

So now I had better get my butt moving on those layouts for TTS. By the way, if you haven't read their newletter...go take a look at it. It has some great layouts.

They also have a new blog. Check out the challenges and ideas there too!

I am working with some of the awesome supplies from ScrapWorks today and will hopefully have a layout to share with you later today or tomorrow.



Monday, January 21, 2008

Creative Team

I am a little behind the times on my blog. Things here have been...beyond busy to say the least. Christmas was wonderful! As close to perfect as you can get. It was low rushing, no hustle and bustle. It truly way a wonderful holiday. The only down side was Dan had to work because of the snow. But look at the bright side...the overtime paid for Christmas and he was still here on Christmas eve and Christmas day! He even made it home for dinner on Christmas eve eve.

Then of course there was New Years! We celebrated at home with two other couples. We played Tyler's Wii and had a wonderful time. A few too many jello shots (if that's possible) but it was great. The only down side was that my friend Michele confirmed that she and her family where relocating to Nebraska. I will miss her very much.

New Years day we went to CrossLake and visited Caryn and her family and of course my wonderful Nephew Matthew. We had a great much so that we decided to go back on Saturday and spend the day and night and Sunday. We had so much fun. We went bowling with the kids and then had pizzas. Then the adults played a few games and the kids watched movies. It was hard to leave on Sunday.

The 8th of January brought us the cub scout Pinewood Derby! We didn't even start the darn car until Thursday the 3rd! Yikes! But all was good. Tyler took four 1st places and was awarded the first place trophy in his division! I think next year we will wait until the last minute again. Seemed to work pretty good.

Back on January 2, my favorite site sent out a call for a Creative Team. All they asked for was a link to my gallery, my name and little things like that. I thought...I can do this. It will get me scrapping again on more of a schedule and it's something I love to do and I LOVE the site. So I sent in my applications. On January 7 they sent the zinger...we had to do a layout about ourselves. You all know me...I do not scrap myself. I just can't! I was very upset about this and told Dan I was going to withdraw my application. He was very quiet for a long time. I finally asked him what was wrong and he told me he was disappointed in me. I was giving up before I even tried! I told him I would sleep on it. The next morning I had an idea...I did the layout...I wasn't happy with it but it was done. At this point even if I didn't get a position of the Creative Team, I was happy with myself...I had done something I didn't think I could do.

Well this morning they announced the new Creative Team...Guess what???? I MADE IT!!!! I am so happy! and overwhelmed and scared and...

You know me if there is something to worry about...I will do it. And if there is nothing to worry about...I will find something to worry about.

This is a new beginning for me. I have been on a Creative Team before but I knew the person who was the coordinator (again my wonderful friend Michele). This one I did all on my own!

Wish me luck and check back often...they are always having some sort of a contest and I would love to see my friends on the site!!
